
How Businesses Can Use Social Media for Fun and Profit (SoLoMoCon Presentation)

While I have not had a “meaty” post up on this blog in a couple of weeks, a lot has been going on in Jeffalytics land. I have been invited to speak on several occasions in the past few weeks, and the time spent building out presentations has eaten into my ability to produce the

How Businesses Can Use Social Media for Fun and Profit (SoLoMoCon Presentation) Read More »

Google Analytics 101 Presentation: Getting Started with Google Analytics

Today I am giving a Google Analytics 101 presentation that is a departure from my normal speaking engagements. This audience has very little experience with the tool (and possibly none), so I am not supposed to assume any background knowledge of how Google Analytics works or previous experience with the product. It was tougher than

Google Analytics 101 Presentation: Getting Started with Google Analytics Read More »

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