Universal Analytics

What is the role of IP tracking in Google Analytics?

Where do IP addresses factor into the world of Google Analytics? The answer to this question is both complicated and straightforward at the same time. Google collects IP addresses from your website visitors whenever you send a hit to their systems (think each time a page finishes loading). That means every Google Analytics hit from your

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How to Setup Google Analytics Offline Tracking

Google Analytics is an online-only tracking tool. True or False? The answer is… False.   Well, mostly false. Google Analytics can track any visit to your website, even if it comes from offline promotions and advertising. As long as your offline advertising triggers someone to visit a website, Google Analytics can track it! You can use

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Understanding Google Signals & Cross-Device Tracking in GA4

GOOGLE SIGNALS Cross-Device tracking with a little machine learning mixed in Google Signals is a built-in Google Analytics (GA) feature that allows you to enable automatic cross-device tracking. You need to give permission to Google to collect data from users who interact on your site with different devices. From then onwards, you will also get

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