Behind the scenes: Video and Post Publishing Process

Creating high-quality content is hard work! It takes countless hours to craft in-depth video tutorials and blog posts.

Publishing your content, sharing the fruits of your labor with email subscribers and new readers, is like a victory lap.

Unless… You screw it up.

Publishing content should be simple, and most of the time it is.

But there are those times when things go wrong. Dead links, broken videos, and missing blog pages are just a few of the mishaps that can occur when you're publishing a lot of content.

Trust me, this stuff can and does happen! (I will not digress into firsthand experience.  Let's just say I'm speaking from the heart.)

During our 90 day challenge, we have a video and blog post publishing in unison every day. To limit the amount of catastrophe that occurs during this intense schedule we came up with a 10 step content publishing process.

In today's Behind the Scenes post, I am sharing our content publishing process with you. Feel free to borrow our 10-step process, and use it to help you nail all of the details when you publish your own content.

Step #1: Capture a video still image

Every one of our videos needs a title image. The title image is the picture that shows up in YouTube search. So it's important for the title image to be descriptive and engaging.

To create our title image, our editor pulls a still shot from our video. (Hopefully, one that doesn't make me look too stupid!).

Step #2: Create title text in Canva

Then we upload our still image to Canva, and we overlay this picture with our title text.

Step #3: Reduce the image files size

We use TinyPng to reduce the file size on all our images in our videos and posts. Compressing image files helps keep our page load time nice and speedy. Compressing images to increase page load speed is muy imporatnte!  No one reads pages that take 15 seconds to load in their browser.

Step #4: Upload our video and image to YouTube

We upload our edited video to YouTube and set our title image to display in search.

Step #5: Add the video title description and tags

Before our video is ready to publish, we need to optimize our YouTube description and tags. We pick four to five relevant tags for our video. And we add the text from our post into the YouTube description.

Step #6: Use TubeBuddy

Tubebuddy helps us review our video settings. It also provides an easy to follow YouTube optimization checklist.

Step #7: Schedule video in TubeBuddy

All our videos are edited and uploaded to Youtube in advance of their publishing date. We use TubeBuddy to schedule our videos to go live just after midnight on their publishing date. This schedule helps make sure our videos are live by the time our blog post publishes.

Step #8: Add video link into our blog post

After our video is set to publish, we add the video link into our WordPress post. WordPress makes this task super easy. Just paste in your YouTube link, and your video will embed in the post.

Step #9: Schedule the blog post to publish

We usually finish editing our blog posts a few days in advance of their scheduled publishing date (assuming we're not running late). Once the post is finalized, we set it to publish on it's scheduled date, at 2:00 AM local time. Feel free to set your alarm for 2:00:01 AM WordPress time if you want to be the first to read our new posts!  😉

Step #10: Schedule our email to publish

Scheduling our email is the final step in our publishing process. The email goes out last so that the blog and video are already live.

That's the whole process. Nothing fancy! Working through this 10 step publishing process helps us make sure we don't forget anything important. It also helps us makes sure every piece of content works together.

So far this process has gone smoothly, and we've haven't missed any publishing dates. But there's 40 more days left our us to screw it up.

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