Sg: Segments in Google Analytics (with Peep Laja)

We have a guest host today on our show. Peep Laja, the founder of ConversionXL, will be sharing on segment in Google Analytics.

Segments in Google Analytics

This category is jam-packed with settings, reports and insights within a Google Analytics account.

We talk about all things user management and other Google products related to Google Analytics.

We peek into the administrator section and learning what the settings mean.

We also check out custom dashboards that we can set up to share data with our organization. When dashboards don’t do what we need, we also have custom reports to combine many aspects of Google Analytics together.

Custom reports are a great way to get metrics and dimensions from multiple reports to show up in one place. We can export them to excel, google sheets or even as a PDF.

Segments in Google Analytics

SEGMENTS: Keep track of all of the segments you have created within a view.

Segments in Google Analytics allow us to zoom in on a portion of our visitors.

Looking at 100% of visitors as a whole, the insights might not be much useful. Instead, we will often find the most insights by looking at a subset of our visitors.

Not all visitors are the same.

If we send the same marketing message to everyone, it won’t feel personal to anyone! We apply the same approach to understanding and analysing our visitors.

By setting up segments, we can differentiate our visitors by many things. For example, traffic source, device, behaviour, or even a combination of these. Segments is useful to compare, for example, the conversion rates between these different groups of visitors.

Segments in Google Analytics


Segments in Google Analytics

When using segments in Google Analytics, we can't establish strict causation. We can't say that this behaviour in this segment causes the conversion rates to be higher. There's only correlation relationship.

However, we can come closer to detecting a causation if we do enough A/B split testing. And this testing needs to have a large enough sample size.

Follow Peep at @peeplaja and on LinkedIn

Want to know more about the Periodic Table of Google Analytics? Visit here for more information.

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